
I have learned a lot in my English 110 class and it this page, I will discuss how I improved on three of the course learning outcomes over the course of the semester.

First and foremost, we are going to talk about my improvements on “recognize and practice key rhetorical terms and strategies when engaged in writing situations.” I had learned about rhetorical terms in High School, but it was not very clear to me. Learning it in this class made me understand it better in a detailed way and learn to practice it on my writing assignments. My source based essay shows how much I have learned about this topic.

Secondly, I have never thought that locating research sources was something that we have to learn. I thought that any source can be used as an evidence, but now I got it better. I understand that it has rules to follow like you may use a peer-review article because it’s more trusting. You can see my improvements on this subject by also reading my source based essay.

The last course learning outcome I am going to discuss with you is “practice systematic application of citation conventions.” Citations are very important in a paper. They are what the reader can use to verify if what you are writing about is accurate. I didn’t know how significant they were until now and I also didn’t know how to put one in your paper, but not anymore. Since I learned this topic, all my papers got them for example my inquiry and source based essay.